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Marcus Cain
Game and Level Designer
Posted below are a few art pieces that I have made for games and in my free time.
![]() Nova Kiske SymbolThis symbol was made using a 2-D vector art style. The symbol is for a character for a game called "School Rivals". The character is named Nova Kiske and her power is "Ki of Darkness". I made each symbol based off of a character's power. | ![]() Ezra's Musashi's RageThis is a weapon I made for a game I have been thinking of for my Writing for Interactive games. More weapons are on the way | ![]() Ezra's Child's BeguilementThis is a weapon I made for a game I have been thinking of for my Writing for Interactive games. More weapons are on the way |
![]() Maxine SpecialThis is a weapon I made for one of my friends. I made each weapon trying capture my friend's personality or what weapon fit my friend the best. | ![]() Shinobi Ver 2This is a weapon I made for a game I have been thinking of for my Writing for Interactive games. More weapons are on the way | ![]() Roberto SpecialThis is a weapon I made for one of my friends. I made each weapon trying capture my friend's personality or what weapon fit my friend the best. |
![]() Terra Esperanto's King's Judgment RedrawThis is a weapon I made for a game I have been thinking of for my Writing for Interactive games. More weapons are on the way | ![]() Christopher SpecialThis is a weapon I made for one of my friends. I made each weapon trying capture my friend's personality or what weapon fit my friend the best. | ![]() Kahi Suzaku SymbolThis symbol was made using a 2-D vector art style. The symbol is for a character for a game called "School Rivals". The character is named Kahi Suzaku and his power is "The Ki of Ice". I made each symbol based off of a character's power. |
![]() Tek Blodia SymbolThis symbol was made using a 2-D vector art style. The symbol is for a character for a game called "School Rivals". The character is named Tek Blodia and his power is "The Ki of Lighting". I made each symbol based off of a character's power. | ![]() Shira Negima SymbolThis symbol was made using a 2-D vector art style. The symbol is for a character for a game called "School Rivals". The character is named Shira Negima and his power is "The Ki of Fire". I made each symbol based off of a character's power. | ![]() Lloyd Tensho SymbolThis symbol was made using a 2-D vector art style. The symbol is for a character for a game called "School Rivals". The character is named Lloyd Tensho and his power is "The Ki of the Wind". I made each symbol based off of a character's power. |
![]() Gabriel Ulric SymbolThis symbol was made using a 2-D vector art style. The symbol is for a character for a game called "School Rivals". The character is named Gabriel Ulric and his power is "The Ki of the Light". I made each symbol based off of a character's power. | ![]() El Furioso Toro SymbolThis symbol was made using a 2-D vector art style. The symbol is for a character for a game called "School Rivals". The character is named El Furioso Toro and his power is "The Spirit of the Bull". I made each symbol based off of a character's power. | ![]() Taku Mora SymbolThis symbol was created using a 2-D vector art style. This is a symbol for a character for a game that is in development called "School Rivals". This symbol is for a character called Taku Mora. His power is "Spirit of the Dog". I made each character's symbol based off of their power. |
![]() Leona Baxter SymbolThis symbol was made using a 2-D vector art style. The symbol is for a character for a game called "School Rivals". The character is named Leona Baxter and her power is "The Spirit of the Lion". I made each symbol based off of a character's power. | ![]() Pakuri Dual SwordsThis is a 2D weapon concept for one of the characters in World of Martz. Pakuri, The Old King's Son. Pakuri's power is Illusions. Two swords have great potential to create illusions when used. Pakuri's swords have a similar design to his brother Rokujow's sword. | ![]() Petra Alexandra's Grim MoonThis is a weapon I made for a game I have been thinking of for my Writing for Interactive games. |
![]() Gin Maxwell's Tiger's Fang 2020This is a weapon I made for a game I have been thinking of for my Writing for Interactive games. More weapons are on the way | ![]() Lee Oritsu's Loki's WrathThis is a weapon I made for a game I have been thinking of for my Writing for Interactive games. | ![]() 2-D Pixel BackgroundThis is the background image I used for the 2D pixel maze game. The brick tiles, column, and character were all made and complied in Photoshop. The game was made using Game Maker Studio. |
![]() Tekan TridentThis is a 2D weapon concept for one of the characters in World of Martz. Tekan, the Dimensional Elite. His power is water so it is fitting to create a trident spear for this chracter | ![]() Flame SwordThis is a 2D weapon concept for one of the characters in World of Martz. Kanius, the Dimensional Elite. This character's power is fire. The red of the blade reflects his power and so does the sun symbol on the blade. | ![]() Capreolum DaggersThis is a 2D weapon concept for one of the characters in World of Martz. Capreolum, The Royal Guard. When making this dagger I wanted the blade to give off a sense of danger. When looking at this weapon it makes people feel like they do not want to be cut by this blade. |
![]() Torke Rygat Chain ScytheThis is a 2D weapon concept for one of the characters in World of Martz. Torke Rygat, The Dimensional Ruler. The weapon is a chain scythe and the weapon is to be used as a flail. Since Torke is the Dimensional Ruler a part of the weapon has a black swirl to show her power of dimensions. | ![]() Ryzon SpearThis is a 2D weapon concept for one of the characters in World of Martz. Ryzon, The Royal Guard. When making this weapon I had never made spears before. The design is basic but the spear head is two different colors, light blue and dark blue. | ![]() Rokujow New StyleThis is a 2D weapon concept for one of the characters in World of Martz. Rokujow, The Old King's Son. Rokujow's power is darkness. When making this blade I wanted to show a dark aura coming from this blade. I added a purple glow to show his power. |
![]() Toshi Academy DecalThis is a 2D vector back ground for a small game project I made using Game Maker Studio. This image is called decals because the clock, cloudy sky, road, windows, and trees are all decals to make the school stand out. | ![]() Decal MenuThis is a decal menu I made using the 2D vector art style. When making this menu I was using the blending options Adobe Photoshop had for the first time. This is the result. | ![]() Marcus SpriteI created this character using the pixel art style. This is what I would imagine what I would look like in the Scott Pilgrim v.s The World Universe. All rights belongs to the creator of Scott Pilgrim |
![]() 2-D-Vetor-Run-loopThis animation loop was made using the 2D vector art style. The animation is 7 frames long, and was used in a small game project made in Game Maker Studio. | ![]() RunThis is the running animation for the character Stans. When the player moves this is the running animation the player will see when moving. The art style used is 2D pixel art and the animation is seven frames. | ![]() Columns TileThis is the column the player must touch to end the game. The column was made using the 2D pixel art style made in Photoshop. The creative process when making this is I created a basic column. The vines on the column are a decal. Other decals can be made using the base column. |
![]() Water Brick TileThis is the same 2D pixel art brick tile, but with a water decal added to it. This was made using Photoshop. | ![]() Brick TileThis is a normal brick tile. The art style of this brick tile is pixel art. This brick tile was made using Photoshop. The creative process behind this tile is that any decal can be added on this brick. Blood, Slime, Cracks, or Blast Marks. |
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